Bertrand Louvet

Bertrand LouvetA specialist in the long-term financing of companies (capital shareholding, mezzanine financing, long-term loans) from 1979 to 1984, Bertrand Louvet then joined Cégos, where he developed a consulting business for managers and shareholders, including mergers and acquisitions.

He then became a partner at Nicolas Coulon & Associés. Aged 28, and having the temperament of an entrepreneur, he incurred debts, alongside the founder chairman, his first partner, to ensure the emergence and development of this eminent player in management financial consulting. This consultancy was, in the early 1990’s, became the third largest management and merger-acquisition consultancy in France (employing 15 people).

In 1997, Bertrand developed his management financial consultancy businesses under his own corporate name. In 2010 he co-founded Kanupa (Paris-Lyon), taking 25% in line with three other partners. In 2013, he regained his independence whilst continuing his businesses.

Bertrand gained the E.S.C.P. (ESCP-Europe) (in 1977). He has organised numerous seminars and conferences on the valuation of companies, organisation of control in family-owned groups, LBO (leveraged buy-out) operations and foreign holdings.

For a number of years he has held leading positions in various professional associations or charity organisations.

Married, four children, Bertrand Louvet is a reserve Commander in the French navy.


The Name “Portulane”

Portulane’s name comes from the French “portulan” (known as a “portolan chart” in English), which refers to an ancient nautical chart.
The word “portulan” is itself a francization of the Italian word “portolano”, which originally designated a compendium of sailing instructions.


Professional Status

A.E.L. Consultants, which holds exclusive rights over the corporate name Portulane, is a member of the professional association AFITE (Association for Company Financing and Transfers).

1583 portolan chart

Showing part of Brittany’s North shore (North is at the bottom).

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